The Toronto Commercial Arbitration Society is Canada’s pre-eminent arbitration association.

Toronto is Canada’s economic capital and one of the leading financial centres in North America. It is the hub of Canadian commerce with a sophisticated financial services infrastructure that has a reputation for safety, soundness and stability.

Sometimes referred to as “New York, run by the Swiss”, Toronto is a cosmopolitan city with an arbitration culture on par with the world’s leading dispute resolution venues.  In fact, Toronto is a more convenient and less expensive place to conduct an arbitration than the world’s traditional arbitration centres.

Ontario courts are arbitration-friendly and have consistently interpreted the Province’s modern arbitration legislation in a manner consistent with the philosophy of party autonomy. This provides business parties with an opportunity to tailor an arbitral process that suits the needs of the parties and the circumstances of the case.

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The TCAS Gold Standard Course in ArbitrationTM* commencing on September 16th.

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