TCAS CanArbWeek Conference

TCAS CanArbWeek Conference

Tuesday, September 22, 2020
Hosted by Arbitration Place Via Zoom

CanArbWeek is coming up in less than six weeks and now has 14 different events planned, starting with an INSOL webinar on the Monday, September 21, 2020, and finishing with the ICC Canada Annual Conference on the Friday, September 25, 2020.
On Tuesday, September 22, 2020, starting at 3:30 p.m., TCAS will be holding a Tylney Hall style event with two panel discussions as follows:
3:30 pm – Class Actions and Arbitration:

Moderator:  Myriam Seers (Torys LLP)

  • William Horton (William G. Horton Professional Corporation)
  • Larry Lowenstein (Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP)
  • Linda Rothstein (Paliare Roland Rosenberg Rothstein LLP)

4:15 pm – Arbitrating Small and Mid-value Claims:

Moderator:  Megan Keenberg (Van Kralingen & Keenberg LLP)

  • Laila Brabander (Chubb)
  • Joel Richler (Bay Street Chambers)
  • Larry Theall (Theall Group LLP)

5:00 pm – we would invite you to join us for Virtual Networking Cocktails (no speakers).

There is no cost to attend this event!
If you are interested in attending, please let us know by sending an email to our Managing Consultant When you register for our event, we will share your name and email address with CanArbWeek and Arbitration Place for the purposes of providing the event services (i.e., registration, videoconference access, delivering password information, etc.).
Please provide us with any questions for discussion on these panels in advance so we an circulate them to attendees.
The TCAS Executive

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